If you really wanna exploring a world of Cambodian snack, fried bananas is a popular appetizer that provides everyone with unforgettable taste of sweet banana and the mixed well of ingredients.

Along the street of local markets in Phnom Penh, fried bananas are being in huge saucepans of sellers with gold color. Most of fried bananas are sliced thinly, and they are rolled in powers before frying. Once finished cooking, this snack is available for serving with either sugar or none.

The justification of this dessert is delicious is because it has perfectly mixed properly of additional ingredients in powers such as sugar, coconut milk, a little bit of salt, and the last essential part of black sesame seeds. Black sesame seeds are well-known in Cambodian dishes due to not only its marvelous taste as a topping, but also its unique style of appearance as well.

Figuring out where you could find this awesome food, local markets would be the best choices; however, the specific locations that bring your appetizer conveniently is Depo market, Toul Tompoung market, Central market, Orussey market, Olympic market, and more.

The small stalls of fried bananas will stay along the side of street markets.

Price: each of fried banana costs 700 riel to 1500 riel.

Besides fried bananas, there are also tiny fried potatoes included as well, and the price of them are up to 1000 riel.  

Article: Hing Socheata