The Popular Traditional Games During Khmer New Year in Cambodia

What do Cambodian do during Khmer New Year? Apparently, the happiness in Khmer people is the chance of playing traditional games with their surroundings in New Year season. Most of those games are created in a purpose of fun, and especially group, family, friends gathering that they haven’t met for a while. Some sort of Cambodian traditional games are absolutely fascinating, and they are easy to play if you know the process. As a sequence, there will be a small introduction of each famous traditional games below which will definitely urge everyone to play.

1.Bos Angkunh

Photo from DMC (Department of Media and Communication) Page

Angkunh is a type of fruit in Cambodia which is really firm, and they don’t eat them not only because of its strong cover, but also because of its tasteless. Therefore, what is the benefit of it? The good thing about Angkunh is that Khmer people use it for playing game which is called Bos Angkunh. It means throwing this fruit. In addition, there are some rules that require players to follow. First, you have to separate player into two groups, and each group has 3 to 5 members. Then, if the first player has to throw their Angkunhs to other groups of Angkunhs in front of them. For group who wins, they have to use the same Angkunhs to hit group who loses on the knees to each person.   

2.Chol Chhoung

Chhoung represents of small object which is soft for throwing; therefore, everyone finds it convenient to catch. This sort of game is playing following the steps of dividing people into two groups, and each group must have 10 to 20 males, and the other group must have 10 to 20 females. The group who has the duty of throwing Chhoung has to sing and dance while throwing, and the other group has to catch and throw back while singing and dancing too. If one of member fails to catch the Chhoung, he or she has to perform some of comedy.

3.Leak Kanseng

Leak Kanseng means hiding towel or Cambodia Kroma. Before starting playing, the Kanseng or Kroma must be twisted in together in a small shape. This kind of game is playing by gathering 10 to 20 people sit in circle. Then, it has to be one person who stays out of the group for using the Kanseng to hide behind someone who sits in the group. Thus, once someone realizes there is a Kanseng behind them, they have to hit someone left Kanseng or known as the hider while he or she finding place to sit. The special thing about this game is that, it has a very beautiful lyric and rhythm of hider to sing while finding someone to left the Kanseng behind them.